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(Updated: 9-3-2021)

As we plan our fall fundraiser, we are working diligently to ensure the safety of our guests, SSPCA staff, and volunteers.

The following safety protocols and requirements to attend the gala are as follows:

Proof of COVID-19 Vaccine or Negative COVID-19 PCR Test: 

All gala attendees must be fully vaccinated* against COVID-19 or take a COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours of the event and present a negative result.

Check-in process:

Upon arrival, you will be directed to a COVID-19 verification station to present one of the following:

1. Proof of full vaccination status. You may present your physical vaccination card; have a photo copy available or visit https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/ to obtain your digital vaccination record online.

2. Negative COVID-19 PCR test. Test results must be within a 72 hour period before the October 23rd event date. You may present your negative result with a paper copy, photo copy or a digital test result. Sacramento County testing locations can be found here.

Attendees who have not provided proof of vaccination or presented a negative COVID-19 PCR test will not be admitted to the event. For the safety of our guests, no exceptions will be made.

To ensure your privacy, the information you provide of vaccination or test results will not be recorded, entered in, nor stored in our files.

*Please note: “Fully vaccinated” means that at least 14 days have passed since your final COVID-19 vaccine dose. This means you must have received your final vaccine dose by October 9th, 2021.

Additional Safety Precautions:

Masks: This year’s gala will be celebrated entirely outdoors. Masks will not be required for gala guests, however, attendees must wear a face mask when entering the Sacramento SPCA’s adoptions building or our new Zoe K. McCrea Animal Health Center (tours and self-guided opportunities to visit adoptable animals and view our new clinic will be offered. Restrooms are also located in both buildings). We will continue to update our mask policy to align with Sacramento County guidelines as the event nears.  Sacramento SPCA masks will be provided for each guest to use onsite and to take home.

Staff, Volunteers and Contractors: All Sacramento SPCA staff and volunteers working the event will be fully vaccinated or have received a negative COVID-19 PCR test result and within 72 hours of the event. Additionally, all contractors present must meet these requirements as well.

Symptoms: If you are experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms (such as a cough, fever, sore throat, muscle aches, etc.), we kindly request that you refrain from attending the event (even if you are fully vaccinated).  

Please note that these policies are subject to change as new guidelines are issued by the CDC or local public health officials. We will continue to update you based on the latest information we have available as the event approaches. Updates will be made on this page as well as additional communication to each guest as we get closer to the gala.

Contact us: 

We are deeply grateful for your support and we can’t wait to see you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Primary point of contact for COVID-19 related questions or concerns: Kristi Maryman, Senior Manager, Corporate Relations & Events. Email: kmaryman@sspca.org or phone: 916-504-2802.

Thank you for helping us save more lives. 


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COVID-19 Safety Information




To be added to our waitlist if any cancellations occur, 

please contact: Kristi Maryman, Senior Manager, Corporate Relations & Events 

at 916-504-2802 or via email: kmaryman@sspca.org.